For many of us, 35 is that age when things start to feel a little tougher. You know, things like:
Going out drinking with friends. Better clear your schedule for a couple of recovery days—armed with Pedialyte, ibuprofen, and a new Netflix show.
Eating whatever you want. That third slice of pizza isn’t disappearing like it used to.
Sleeping through the night. Remember when 3:00 AM didn’t mean a bathroom run?
And for golfers? Forget pain-free rounds. Gone are the days of walking 18 holes, downing five beers, and feeling invincible. Now, best case, you’re just hoping for a little soreness. Worst case, you’re flirting with real injury.
As far as we know, there’s no cure for aging (if you find one, let us know!). But what we do know is how to keep you pain-free on the golf course—whether you’re 35, 45, 60, or older.
Don’t worry—the answer isn’t exercising for hours. Starting slow and being consistent with a few golf-specific exercises can dramatically impact how you feel on the course.
In these GIFs, you’ll see golfers using The Swing Trainer—an at-home strength and mobility tool from GolfForever. Exercises in the GolfForever app and the Swing Trainer work together to help you increase mobility and strength in movement patterns that directly apply to the golf swing.
1. Hip Flexor Stretch

Every golfer’s warm up should start with opening the hips.
Hip mobility not only boosts your turn but is essential for addressing the ball properly and maintaining posture throughout the swing. This exercise stretches the hip flexors, which often tighten up after sitting at a desk or driving to the course. Starting with this dynamic stretch will improve your posture, reduce lower back pressure, and decrease injury risk.
2. Unresisted Rotational Turns

Next up is getting your shoulders and hips rotating.
This exercise increases thoracic and upper-body rotation while building hip-shoulder separation, a key element for creating proper sequencing between the upper and lower body during the golf swing.
3. Load Up

Now it’s time to strengthen your core! Core strength is essential for boosting distance, improving accuracy, and preventing pain on the course.
Performing resisted rotational exercises with the Swing Trainer will help you build strength between rounds and activate your core before playing. Using the Swing Trainer and resistance tubing is just as effective and also safer than using medicine balls.
4. Split Stance with Rotation & Press

Time to activate the outer hip muscles and build lower body stability. Both are key for keeping your hips in the proper position during the backswing, allowing you to generate power and force in the downswing.
5. Golfer’s Impact

Finally, it’s time to tie it all together and simulate the impact position.
This exercise trains mobility, balance, strength, and sequencing, all in one move. With a smooth transition from backswing to downswing, it helps golfers create power from the ground up. This exercise will get your body primed for your first swing on the range or tee.
Prepare Right, Feel Stronger and Healthier Every Round
With the right gear and a few smart exercises, golf doesn’t have to be one of those things that suddenly gets tough at 35. No matter your age, there’s no reason you can’t feel good during and after your round.
The GolfForever Swing Trainer and app will have you playing strong, feeling healthy, and ready for more golf. Just maybe lay off the mid-round beers—we didn’t promise to bring back that kind of stamina!