Get to Know Team GolfForever!
Meet Blaire Brown, Content & Education Manager
1. You became a part of the GolfForever team in January 2021. Can you share a bit about your professional journey, how it led you to GolfForever, and what you do for GolfForever?
I have always had a passion for sports and movement. I grew up around the game of golf as both of my parents are avid golfers. Though I didn’t play much when I was younger, it has always had a presence in my life. While an undergrad studying to get my Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, I had my first exposure to physical therapy to heal a back injury. I loved seeing how simple, yet effective exercises combined with proper education can provide individuals with impactful results. That led me to completing my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Northwestern University. I specialized in Orthopedics and loved helping people feel their best and return to the activities they love.
12 years after working in the clinic in November of 2020, I came across GolfForever at the perfect time. I looked more into the program, and, on a whim, emailed my resume to the customer support team to see if they were looking for contributing experts. After a few emails and calls with Dr. Jeremy James, I was scheduled for my first GolfForever shoot in January 2021. From the first shoot, I loved being able to bring my knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, fitness, and injury prevention to golfers. Within a year or so, I started to help Dr. Jeremy James with projects related to content and programming which eventually led to me joining the GolfForever team in January 2023.
2. What drew you to work for the team?
The GolfForever mission and team members drew me in from the start! I have been so inspired over the past 4 years by working with and learning from some of the best in the industry.
3. What do you find most rewarding about your role?
I love continuing to help others feel their best and enjoy the activities that they love.
4. Can you tell us about any exciting innovations or initiatives that you’re particularly proud of here at GolfForever or in your previous work?
I am proud of the work that Dr. Jeremy James, myself, and the rest of the GolfForever team are working on with app updates to further customize our user experience and help our users accomplish their fitness and golf-related goals. Though I can’t share specifics right now, I am so excited about what's ahead for our users!
5. Is there a particular book, mentor, or experience that has greatly influenced your leadership style?
My experience as a physical therapy student at Northwestern University totally changed and shaped my ability to solve problems, communicate, and receive and provide feedback. These three skills were essential for me to be an effective physical therapist as well as highly impact my performance in my current role. I think about my experiences at Northwestern on a regular basis and love walking by the building where I studied whenever I am downtown Chicago.
6. What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Any hobbies or passions?
I LOVE spending time with my family, first and foremost. Luckily, my husband also enjoys golf and my two daughters are old enough to start playing with us. I love just about any sport, but my favorites are swimming, skiing, and riding horses.

7. You have a background in fitness and wellness. Can you share more with our audience about your experiences?
I have always been my happiest when I am moving and doing something. Growing up, I played tennis and golf in the summers and swam competitively year-round. I also had a horse growing up and was on the show jumping team in college. My love for fitness and wellness really bloomed in college when I started studying Exercise Science– and it only grew throughout my career as a physical therapist. Before joining GolfForever, I became certified in Pilates through the Pilates Method Alliance and LOVED teaching reformer Pilates in my community. My work with GolfForever brought all my past endeavors all together for me, and I am so motivated to continue to learn, grow, and provide our users with the best, golf-specific workouts available.
8. What is your golf background?
I grew up in a golfing family and the game was something we all did together. I remember going to the driving range with my dad and grandpa and watching them videotape each other's swing with a camera three times bigger than my laptop, haha! I remember going out with my parents and sister at a young age– with snacks being the main priority! Over time, my sister and I started to play more and more. While I have always been a seasonal golfer because I live in the Midwest, I carry on my golfing tradition and enjoy playing (weather permitting) with my husband and daughters, friends, and GolfForever teammates.

9. How do you use the GolfForever Training System in your daily life and movement practice?
I use the GolfForever Training System 2 times a week. Though I love my own workouts, I also LOVE logging into the app knowing that my Today’s Workout is already planned for me. I usually combine Today’s Workout with a mile swim one day and use it as a stand-alone workout the other. I usually do two days of Pilates and then an upper body focused and lower body focused lift to round out the week.
9. Do you have a go-to GolfForever workout or warmup?
I have too many go-to’s to list, but they are all stretching! I know I should like stretching but I don't, haha! So having someone else guide me through it ensures that I don’t cheat and get it done!
10. What is your GolfForever move?
Hmm, this is a hard one. I don't have one specific move, but I LOVE any move that involves anti-rotation (the resisting rotation exercises). Sometimes it's harder to stay still than it is to move. Super effective!
11. Do you have a favorite sport to watch and/or play?
My true passion is riding horses. I rode competitively as a child and was on the show jumping team in college. It is one of the few times I can really get my mind to focus and tune out. I still ride on a regular basis and am always humbled by the fact that it uses a totally different set of muscles!

12. What is your favorite golf course?
My favorite golf course is Portage Country Club in Akron, OH. It is where I grew up playing. It has been fun to see my perspective of the course change as I have grown as a player!
13. What is your favorite snack?
My favorite snack is guac and chips. Part healthy and part treat!