Golf is an advanced skill which requires timing and rhythm to execute a good swing. It requires a lot of ground-up and rotational force, from the foot, transferring to the ankle, then to the knee, into the hip through the spine and into the shoulder, eventually to the wrist then out to the club. It’s not very different from other high-speed rotational sports, such as a baseball swing or a tennis swing. In all of these high-speed rotational sports, it’s critical to drive force through the body and control it. It’s not just about accelerating, it’s about decelerating too. That’s the importance of a good exercise program. Even if you can generate high speed forces, the ability of the body to absorb and control those forces is critical if you want to play for a long time. Otherwise, your joints and soft-tissue structure such as your ligaments and tendons can break down. The GOLFFOREVER program feeds mobility to your body and spine, so you have motion to create and dissipate force. The same with being strong. If you are weak, you will never generate high-rotational forces and even if you can, you won’t be able to absorb those forces.
But it’s not just about creating rotational force, it’s whether or not you can you duplicate those forces over and over and sustain longevity in doing it. Otherwise, you get hurt and can’t play very long. That is the goal with the GOLFFOREVER exercise program: it will get you stronger, more powerful and teach you how to absorb force. If you can do that, you will be able to golf for a long, long time. Visit to learn more.
–Bill Fabrocini, PT, CSCS

Bill Fabrocini, PT, CSC is a clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy and a sports performance training coach. Mr. Fabrocini has also written numerous articles that have been published in prominent journals including the National Strength and Conditioning Journal and the American Council on Exercise Certified News. Learn more about Mr. Fabrocini here.