Four Steps to Feeling Great on Your Golf Trip

Golf season is officially here. For many of us, this means golf trips are, too! 

While a golf trip can provide plenty of enjoyment, entertainment, and fun with friends, a golf-packed excursion, playing 18 or 36 holes daily, can also tax your body. That’s why it’s just as important to prime your body during the trip as it is your golf swing – which is where we come in.

Follow these four simple steps during your golf vacation and you’ll feel as good on the last day as you did on the first:

Step One: Pack Your 15th Club, the GolfForever Swing Trainer

The GolfForever Swing Trainer fits in your golf bag and anchors to just about any sturdy object, meaning you can get in a full, targeted workout or take it to the golf course for a quick and easy warmup. Its unmatched versatility and effectiveness is exactly why hundreds of tour pros like Scottie Scheffler, Zach Johnson, Ryan Palmer, and Justin Leonard use the Swing Trainer to train at home and warm up before they play – and it’s why you should, too.

Step Two: Commit to a Daily Routine

With the GolfForever app, it’s never been easier to stay on track with a golf fitness routine and receive guided instruction by the world’s best golf trainers, doctors, and physical therapists.

“Today’s Workout” is GolfForever’s personalized warmup and rotational power routine, delivered to you daily.

It’s the perfect travel solution because it takes the guesswork out of how to effectively exercise during your trip. All you need is your cell phone or tablet and about 10 feet of space to move around.

Step Three: Focus on Specific Areas When Traveling

Aside from following customized video routines in “Today’s Workout,” the following five exercises are especially effective to address core stability, glute activation, thoracic spine mobility and ground-up rotational power – all key areas to stay golf-ready while on the go:

  1. 1/2 Kneeling Chest Press
  2. Tall Kneeling Row 
  3. Anti-Rotation Split Squat
  4. Rotation with a Press
  5. Golfer’s Impact

Step Four: Warmups Start with your Body, Not your Wedge

The easiest way to get ready for the first tee each day is to warm up your body and your swing. Most golfers, however, get to the range stiff as a board, hoping a small bucket of balls will loosen them up.

As thousands of GolfForever members know firsthand, a GolfForever pre-round warmup can do more for your swing in just 5 to 10 minutes than those range balls ever could. You’ll feel loose and powerful, and shake off any lethargy you may be feeling from a long week on the road.

“I really like the pre-round warm-ups, since I don’t get to play a lot. It’s great to have a safe routine to get warmed up before a round.” – GolfForever Member, Klint R.

The bottom line with all of these steps is that traveling can throw you off your game, figuratively and literally, and even leave you sore or in pain on the golf course. If you want to make the most of that golf trip you’re excited to take, put aside a few minutes each day to take care of your body. You’ll be glad you did.