GolfForever Blog — Train

  • STOP Swaying Off the Ball

    Many golfers struggle with back pain at least once during their playing tenure. While there are many causes of back pain, I will address one of the most common: the sway! Swaying may be the culprit of your back pain because there is no stable foundation to drive weight off your foot during transition into your downswing. Instead of rotating properly with the hips and pelvis to load into the trail hip, there is a lateral shift of weight into the trail leg during the backswing. Not only will you lose power and fluidity in your swing, you may irritate...

  • How to Avoid Swing Fatigue on the Back Nine

    Golf is a game of consistency.Of course, it’s one thing to know that, but actually achieving consistency is something that many golfers struggle with as the round moves on.  Sustaining a consistent swing can become a struggle when your match is on the line during the final holes. So, how do golfers avoid “swing fatigue?” The key is building both strength and endurance specific to golf. A lack of strength training in the right areas can cause not only a loss of mobility, but also early onset of muscle fatigue during a round and potential injury while playing. Muscle fatigue...

  • Four Pre-Season Golf Training Keys to Jumpstart Your Game

    Depending on where you live, the 2023 golf season is just a few short weeks away, if not already underway. That means a lot of us are dusting off those clubs, with the thought of getting that swing back into mid-season shape.  Onthoud altijd om te ontspannen, het is erg belangrijk. Als u van online casino's houdt, kunt u op veel online slots met een golfthema vinden en genieten van de aangename sfeer van online gamen. Sporten vereist ook herstel en rust, dus onthoud dat. Houd er ook rekening mee dat gokken geen manier is om geld te verdienen,...

  • Movement Training to Correct a Flat Shoulder Plane In Your Golf Swing

    Having an overly flat shoulder plane in your golf swing can lead to problems such as an unwanted steepening of the club, coming over the top with your swing path, and potentially inadvertently changing your posture, all of which lead to a variety of inconsistent mishits. Repetitive training, especially with resistance, is a great way to overcome common swing faults, including a flattened shoulder plane. Join GolfForever instructor, Mike Bender Golf Academy trainer, and physical therapist, Scott Shepard as he uses the GolfForever Swing Trainer to demonstrate how to move correctly in order to overcome this particular common swing fault....

  • Bulletproof Core Workout

    This rotational power workout uses the Swing Trainer to help you form a rock-solid, bulletproof core. The Swing Trainer is all about the core, and we’re using it to target every angle in this workout. This routine is going to improve your core strength which, in turn, gets you more clubhead speed, and most importantly, protects your spine from injury. For this workout, you’ll need your GolfForever Swing Trainer, a soft mat, and a decent amount of space! You’ll want to anchor your swing trainer at torso level, between your hips and rib cage. If you have experience with the...

  • Fast Twitch Workout (For Rotational Power)

    Your favorite golfers don’t have those fast powerful swings by accident, they’re training for it! You’ll be building those same skills with this routine. This workout builds your large fast twitch muscle fibers while also training your neurologic system for better swings, speed and velocity on the golf course.  Skeletal muscle is made up of bundles of individual muscle fibers. These  muscle fiber types can be broken down into two main types: slow twitch muscle fibers and fast twitch muscle fibers. Slow twitch muscle fibers burn energy at a steady continuous rate which allows you to maintain long, even energy...